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6 Reviews

Thriving Relationships

with Daniel Robertson, Relationship Coach

$7 to Change Your Life

(This is the Thriving Relationships Self-Awareness Circle)

The hardest part will be getting you to believe that you can change your life for $7.

But it’s worth taking a chance because your relationships matter so much to you.

It’s who you are.

So, it’s worth checking out a community to cultivate what you value and love.

You love connecting. You love loving. Your heart wants the best, deepest, most meaningful connections you can have.

So, it's worth checking out a community to cultivate what you value and love.


The Thriving Relationships Self-Awareness Circle is for evolving men and women who want to create thriving relationships in their lives and the lives of others.

It’s for lovers who want to explore the bounds and mastery of:

  • Emotional maturity and conscious intimacy
  • Ethical seduction
  • Conscious communication
  • Conflict resolution and repair
  • Cultivation of compassion and empathy
  • Self-respect and boundaries (with adults and children)
  • Creation of authentic connection with others
  • Healing past wounds and building secure, loving, intimate relationships


This community is for people who are kind and encouraging. We will not support blaming and villainizing others. We will not support victimhood mentality. This group is for people who take radical personal responsibility for their lives and relationships.

(The membership fee is the easiest way to keep the whiners and complainers out.)


If you’re stuck in pain, disconnection, and conflict with your partner, we can help you understand what’s going on and how to make the necessary shifts so that you can reconnect and possibly establish a stronger connection than ever before.

If you’ve had a pattern of painful relationships, we can help you break the cycle.

If you’re single and you’re lonely, disappointed or frustrated with single life and dating, we can support you with encouragement and friendship and the cultivation of the skills you need to build the kind of successful relationship you desire.

If you just want support from smart, thoughtful people to navigate relationship challenges, here you have it.

People regularly tell me that they received life-changing support from my free groups. This paid group offers exponentially more.


As a member of the Thriving Relationships Self-Awareness Circle, you will receive:

1. Membership in an exclusive community of evolving men and women who are cultivating thriving relationships

2. Exclusive live group coaching opportunities (no additional cost)

3. Life-changing personal and spiritual growth and evolution

You will also get access to me (Daniel Robertson) and the opportunity to pick my brain about navigating relationship disconnects and conflicts. Where else can you get access to an experienced Relationship Coach with a master’s degree and experience as a professor of conflict resolution to pick their brain about navigating conflict and cultivating connection?

*The $7 price of admission is only available for the first 20 people to join. Join now to lock in this price for life. This is a no-brainer. The price will go up from here. Don’t wait.

This is hosted on Mighty Networks.


You Belong.

The Thriving Relationships Self-Awareness Circle is a unique community for evolving men and women who are creating thriving relationships.

Click here to join the growing Self-Awareness Circle.  

Do you want more love & connection in your life and relationships?

Relationships are the single most important factor for our happiness, longevity, and quality of life.

Yet, so many people are struggling in their relationships -- their marriage, their family, or their dating life.

I'm Daniel Robertson, relationship coach, and that was my story for over ten years.

I had a deep desire to love and be loved, to develop emotional intimacy with a loving partner, and to build a life and family together.

But, no matter how hard I tried, I kept experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak--lies, criticism, stonewalling, infidelity, broken promises, and divorce.

Still, I never gave up on love. I was committed to living life with an open heart.

That set me on a path to learn the depth of what love is, what healing and growth are, and what it takes to create a warm, loving, life-giving relationship with emotional connection, physical intimacy, playfulness, and all the elements we desire.

I've learned to overcome insecurities, codependency, and anxious and avoidant tendencies in order to create secure love and authentic connections with people. I learned communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and relationship repair.

It's become my purpose and my passion to share everything I've learned with others. So many people are hurting. I know what it's like to want to love and be loved, but to not know how. There are solutions. There are answers. You can have the love you want. You're worth it.

That's why I created Thriving Relationships.

1. Join our Thriving Relationships community on Facebook. With over 19,000 members, thousands of people have received priceless support navigating relationship challenges, especially understanding attachment styles, healing, becoming more secure, and growing in empathy, compassion, and emotional maturity.

2. Follow me on Facebook (and send me a friend request) to stay in touch and get access to lots of unique, thought-provoking relationship content.

3. Check out this website for access to free resources and to learn about transformative relationship coaching opportunities for singles and couples.

We can change your life if that's what you want. You don't have to suffer. You are already loveable just the way you are, you just need to heal and grow so that you can thrive.

Everything you need is one Zoom call away. Click the link below to schedule a consultation.

Schedule a call with Daniel.

Google Reviews
6 Reviews

My healing process started when joining Daniel’s page and then joining the Courageous Love Community. Daniel provides all the tools that are needed to ...Read more

Feb 28, 2024
Nichole Ramnauth