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Hi, I'm Daniel. I'm an attorney turned relationship coach.

I grew up in Northern California, USA, and still live here nearby lots of family and friends.

I went to law school at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. The beach is my happy place. And I made a lot of great friends there. While I was in law school, I earned a Master’s Degree in Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute. I love the collaborative approach to conflict. It takes everyone’s needs into account. It’s me *and* you instead of me *versus* you.

I became an attorney, a mediator, and a conflict resolution coach. I started out by consulting with business owners to resolve the interpersonal conflicts that get in the way of their business goals. I am a teacher at heart, and I’ve had the honor of teaching a Master’s in Business Administration course on Conflict Resolution and Management for La Sierra University’s business school. You can call me professor, if you like. The more corporate and business work I did, the more I was drawn to work with people in their intimate relationships where the deepest, most profound transformations are possible.

In my personal life, I am a divorced father of four wonderful children—three boys and a girl. In fact, I’ve been divorced twice. I know the pain of desiring to create more love and connection, but not knowing how. Fortunately, all that pain in my relationships lead to my personal growth and eventual transformation. I no longer struggle with insecurity, codependency, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

I’ve learned not to take mistreatment personally, that I can take personal responsibility for creating the life of my dreams, and that none of my insecurities were ever real in the first place.

Now, I enjoy lots of time with my beautiful children. I am following my bliss and finding more success than ever in my work life. I am happily enjoying my life as a single father, including building meaningful friendships and having fun dating wonderful, lovely women until I find a long-term partner.

Having gone through all these experiences, it has become my purpose and my passion to help people overcome their relationship challenges so they can experience secure love, authentic connection, and thriving relationships.

I look forward to connecting with you in the Thriving Relationships Facebook group or over Zoom if you schedule a call.

Wishing you all the love and life your heart desires.

May you be peaceful, happy, and free,


Want to Stop Suffering in Relationships and Transform Your Life?

I offer private coaching for individuals and couples. If you're an individual who wants to stop suffering in relationships so that you can experience genuine love or you're a couple stuck in pain, conflict, and disconnection, coaching starts with a free consultation to determine exactly what your specific challenges are and the best solution tailored to your specific needs.

Click here to schedule a free consultation with Daniel.

If you're looking for group coaching and other opportunities, go to the Services page for additional offerings.

Want Clarity About Your Relationship?

Book an individual 1:1 Coaching Call with Daniel

Want total clarity & confidence about how to move forward with a relationship challenge? Need a quick breakthrough on your personal growth journey?


Book a Coaching Call to speak with Daniel via Zoom. A Coaching Call is a full coaching session to help you with a relationship challenge or difficult decision. On this call, you will discuss any current challenges you're facing in your life, relationships, and personal growth journey and the goals you have for growth, happiness, and fulfillment.

As an experienced and empathetic coach, Daniel will listen, offer his insights, and most importantly ask you the questions that will guide you to your own inner wisdom so that you can gain total clarity and confidence about your next steps and how you want to move forward in your life and relationships.


***Hear What Others Have to Say***

“I highly recommend Daniel Robertson’s service. I did private coaching with him on my upcoming divorce a while ago and I got out of the discussion with absolute clarity, an unthought-of set of options on how to continue, and a feeling of absolute empowerment for the way forward. If you get the chance to work with him, you shouldn’t hesitate to go for it. Daniel is a very thoughtful, sensitive, yet powerful coach with an extraordinary wealth of insights coming out of his career and personal experiences. You will benefit tremendously.”


“Daniel does amazing work! I came into our session feeling unsure about what to do next about my relationship and I cannot believe how much I got out of one session! He is deeply insightful and very skilled. I would work with him again in a heartbeat.”


“I was going through a confusing and painful grieving process that I was unsure how to navigate. Since there was Covid, I felt like I didn’t want to burden other people even more with my problems or ask for help. Dan was there to walk me through my process and help me understand my confused feelings of pain and anger. He really took the time to understand the start to finish of it all in order to find the best solutions. He provided me with great tools I could use to help myself to move forward. Beyond grateful for his knowledge and guidance.”


“I have just had a session with Daniel and I have to ay I’m walking out ‘lighter’ than when I started. A lot of the fog in my head has been lifted and I feel more confident in my ability and train of thoughts. It’s great to be able to speak to someone who understands and walks things through with you, rather than walking out with more questions than you started with. So I’m very grateful he gave me such an opportunity and experience and I hope others can take up such an opportunity too.”


“Just want to say thank you so much for your very simple yet powerful questioning you shared with me the other day, as it has helped me see the reality with clarity and somehow helped me detach quite quickly, just by your words being so common sense. Thank you Daniel Robertson.”


“I never had a coach like Daniel Robertson. Reachable, helpful, supportive, kind, professional, and knowledgeable! Thank you!”
